On average, owners stay in their homes 6-7 times a year, depending on personal travel preferences. Ultimately, you decide what dates are most important to you, and your usage may vary from year to year.
As a 1/8th shareholder you will have access to 1/8th of all available time and you can book up to 4 stays at a time. Booked stays can easily be changed if your plans change. When your next stay is within 30 days, it will no longer count towards your booking and you can schedule another stay.
You don’t have to worry about missing your best dates. Our Sun & Ski Guarantee ensures all homeowners have access to their homes during the peak seasons, the most desirable and demanded times of the year. Create lasting memories at the time that matters most to you, year after year.
You’re guaranteed to book one “special date” to attend – these are major federal holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as travel-worthy local events tailored to suit every home. Within 30 days of your special date, you have the option to book a new special date. Our 24-month calendar prevents one owner from blocking the same holiday year after year, so you always have a chance to get the date that matters most to you.
Sometimes plans change. Here’s what you need to know about changing your stay or booking more stays.
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The number of days you can access your property is proportionate to the number of shares that you hold. For example, if you hold 1/8th ownership, you can access the property exclusively for 45 days per year, and if you hold 1/4th ownership, you are entitled to 90 days per year.
On average, owners stay at their homes 6-7 times per year, depending on their personal travel preferences. Ultimately, you decide what dates are most important to you, and your usage may vary from year to year.
The Primio app is easy to use and equitable for owners based on their number of shares owned. The app displays real-time availability and supports two types of owner stays: general and short-notice.
Short-notice stays give owners more flexibility to book time in their homes without having to plan far in advance. Open dates in the Primio app can be booked as short-notice stays 2-30 days ahead of your arrival date. Short-notice stays do not count toward an owner’s general stay count (4 advance stays per share of ownership).
Special dates include select federal holidays as well as popular local events. They vary for each region, but they are clearly marked with a blue dot in the scheduling calendar in the Primio app.
Every region has a dedicated Home Manager who supports owners with scheduling, home management, special requests and any other home-related issues.